Published in 2024

Radha is reluctant to go for a walk in the rain. Or, perhaps, they are reluctant to walk near the cemetery by their house. Join Radha and Rion as they gather up the courage to explore the cemetery and see what interesting things they can find!

And maybe find out that cemeteries aren't that scary after all.

Published in 2023

This book is actually a manifesto—but not the kind that can get you thrown into jail, ideally, for our sake. The main premise is: Dogs are great! Reminding each other of that on a daily basis spreads cheeriness. And cheeriness is needed. 

A memoir. Ish. This story takes place over the course of a few months between 1991 and 2051—everything in it happened, none of it is real.

In fact, this book may not even exist.

Published in 2022

Radha's dad Rion picks them up from school unexpectedly. Rion tells Radha that he got a present for them and thought it might be fun to walk home together and along the way Radha can guess what the present is. Radha has some pretty wild guesses! A steam train that delivers fried chicken? A barracuda with a briefcase? An albino moose with a cello? None of Radha's guesses are correct—not exactly anyway.

This book is sort of a “collected works” edition. Some of the poems I’ve worked hard on and some of them were written in less than a minute. I think I tend to like those the best. There are one or two that I set out to do something very specific and I think I accomplished that.

Could they all be better? Of course. Getting through the final 10% took another month. Are any of them great? One is.