Nothing is Universal

Every universal truth isn't.

Every universal principle isn't.

Every universal agreement isn't.

And never will be.

What amount of time and energy is used in pursuit of a single answer to solve for everything? The pursuit of it is a privilaged exercise in futility which, ultimately, serves only to satisfy the ego of a handful of people and to distract the larger group which the handful seek to influence.

Truth, principles, and agreements are all subjective and ephemeral. The lens through which you look at the world today won't be the one you look through tomorrow. The lens will always be subjective and ephemperal because you are always changing, as is every other aspect of the system within which you exist. And you do exist within a system—systems within systems—and every other being in that system is looking through their own lens with their own subjective perspective.

We agree on truths and principles in the now. Each day we wake up and negotiate the agreements again. There is no complete-state that is achieveable.

"But, Matthew...What does this have to do with Design?"

Nothing. Don't worry about it.*


Pretty-bow-less Research